Thursday, August 18, 2011

Who Shares our Mission to Get Kids Career-Focused and Reduce Dropout Rates?

Grady Talks is about helping kids get on a meaningful career path and stay in school.   Who else in Georgia is doing the same thing?

We found this group,  Communities In Schools of Georgia, who's mission states that "Every Child Needs and Deserves: -A personal, one-on-one relationship with a caring adult -A safe place to learn and grow -A healthy start and a healthy future -A marketable skill to use upon graduation -A chance to give back".

The national organization, Communities In Schools, says they are "the United States' largest dropout prevention organization".
Another group, The Mattie C. Stewart Foundation,  says they are "helping to reduce the dropout rate and increase the graduation rate in communities across the United States".

Do you know any other organizations who focus on high school student achievement?

We were able to find some recent data  from Georgia Department of Education about gradution rates at Grady and Atlanta Public Schools.  Grady seemed to have done well in 2010 with a 91.6% graduation rate.     

A closer look at the chart below reveals why the APS rate is down at 63.3%.   It seems that troubled students often transfer to another school before graduation and thus don't get scored against the school's graduation rate.

Stats from 2009-2010 School Year:

School Name Graduation Class Size Graduation Rate
Early College High School at Carver 65 98.5
South Atlanta School of Health and Medical Science 52 82.7
Mays High School 321 90.3
Maynard H. Jackson, Jr. High School 192 80.2
North Atlanta High School 235 85.1
Tech High School 55 89.1
South Atlanta Law and Social Justice School 50 84.0
School of Technology at Carver 71 97.2
School of Health Sciences and Research at Carver 102 87.3
South Atlanta School of Computer Animation and Design 50 84.0
The School of the Arts at Carver 70 98.6
Therrell School of Law, Government and Public Policy 67 68.7
Therrell School of Engineering, Math, and Science 65 73.8
Therrell School of Health and Science 64 64.1
Crim High School 694 12.8
Douglass High School 336 77.7
Grady High School 322 91.6
Washington High School Senior Academy 283 81.6
All Schools 3201 66.3

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