Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Emory Career Center Consultant to Address Grady High School Students

Don Cornwell, Associate Director of the Emory University Career Center will speak to Grady High School students about preparing for their career on December 2nd, 2011.   Don has been working one on one with Emory students as a Career Consultant since 1998. 

Don earned a Masters of Education in Student Personnel Services with a concentration in Counselor Education from The University of South Carolina (1997) and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, with a concentration in Human Development and Psychological Counseling from Appalachian State University (1990).

Monday, November 28, 2011

Journalist Mark Fogarty to Speak at Grady High

"Liz Lieberman brings New York City journalist Mark Fogarty to Grady High School in Atlanta Dec. 1 to discuss changes in the media business".  That's the lead that Mark wrote in preparation for his Grady Talks lecture.  Mark says that the sentence includes the 5 W's of Who, What, Where, When, and Why. 

Mark's message to the students is that the process and foundation of journalism remains the same, whether if be print or electronic.  He offers advice on what students can be doing now in order to get into the field of journalism.  

Mark works for SourceMedia, a company that publishes dozens of business newspapers, magazines, newsletters, and websites.  

Sunday, November 13, 2011

NEW VIDEO: Amani Channel: Imagine Your Future

KEF Media Senior Producer, Amani Channel, talks to Grady High School students about the importance of working on your character in order to get the job of your dreams. He says that he hasn't really done anything exceptional to get where he is now. You just have to always do your best, do what you say you will do, be on time, look your best and practice your craft. He offers a comprehensive list of ways you can improve the way people see you.

In this half hour talk, Amani gives students a guide to building character and being seen as the professionals that they want to become.  From "showing up on time,"  to "making your yes mean yes," following this comprehensive list of "to do" items will assure that you will have a bright future.  Of course you still have to do a lot of hard work!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Amani Channel: Imagine Your Future

 Amani Channel: Imagine Your Future
 By Ben Gross

Whether you spend your days proposing bills on the floor of the senate or mowing the grass outside of the Capitol, if you give your job your all and do your best, you will find personal and career satisfaction.  So said media producer Amani Channel at his recent talk with a group of students at Grady High.  It really doesn’t matter what you do, Amani said, so long as you invest yourself in your work and take pride in your profession.  A journalist, avid blogger (see his blog, myurbanreport.com), and producer, Amani set a goal of breaking into the television industry as a college student, after taking – and loving – a broadcasting course.  Amani’s goal brought him from California to the east coast, where he began his career as a TV reporter in Washington, DC.  After some time in Florida, where he continued working and also earned a Master’s degree, Amani came to Atlanta, where he now works as a producer for KEF Media and also runs several small businesses of his own. 

Amani talked to the students about three keys to his success, which allowed him to realize his own goal of a media career. 

The first key: Have a Mentor.  Amani found a mentor at his first job in DC, who guided him and counseled him, and who has continued to provide him with insight and advice.

Second: Do Whatever it Takes.  Amani told the students that he would not be where he is today had he not always focused on putting himself entirely behind his work, and showing coworkers and employers that he is ready, willing, and able to accomplish any task put before him.  No job is too small or too big, no time commitments too demanding, and no project too difficult if you’re passionate about it and desire success, Amani said. 

And third: Be the Best.  Amani shared the following advice his father once gave him: “If you’re not learning something new everyday, you’re doing something wrong!”  By doing his best work and always focusing on ways to improve and learn, Amani told the students, he has been able to always be the best person he can be.  With this attitude, he has been able to set his own goals and reach them with confidence, knowing that good work and a positive attitude are rewarded with personal fulfillment and positive career results. 

Amani concluded by telling the students that if they are confident in themselves and remain passionate about all that they do, they will find that they, too, can “go against the grain,” stand out from the ordinary, and accomplish anything that they put their minds to. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Donations to Grady Talks are now Tax Deductable!

We have just received good news from the IRS.  As of October 27th, 2011, Talk About Your Future, Inc. has been approved as a 501(3)(c) charitable organization with tax exempt status.  Thank you for the hard work of our board member, John Williamson of Morris, Manning & Martin LLP who put together the submission.  

Please donate & deduct!  Also, if you know of any small family foundations, we'd love to be able to connect with them!