Edwin Link: Know What You Don't Know from Grady Talks on Vimeo.
- You are my favorite presenter. What you said about balance really stood out to me. I completely agree that living your life in any extreme, being it fear or hope, is not the best thing to do.
- I took what you said to heart. You asked us to write down our hopes and fears and surprisingly, I've never been asked to do that before. Thank you for sharing your story.
- You are the best presenter we've had. You have a gift for working with people. Your concepts and ideas are easily understood and very effective.
- I liked your perspective on hope and fear. I think this outlook will help me make holistic decisions in life.
- The presentation was remarkable and very informative. The balance between fear and hope is important and you really have to be in between both.
- Thank you for sharing your ways on decision making. Hopefully it is not patented, because I will be using it.
- Your speech was amazing. I am inspired and encouraged. I encourage you to keep speaking to our generation and make an impact on peoples lives just like you have do for me.
- I really enjoyed your presentation and found it most inspiring.
- The information that you shared was eye-opening. I learned that I should know what I don't know and explore every option and career.
- The information that you shared was eye-opening. I learned that I should know what I don't know and explore every option and career.
- I learned some valuable information today and a better perspective for my future.
- Today was a good day due to the fact that you came to speak with us.
- Your talk was very enlightening and taught me to try different activities.
- You give me hope to know that other people who slack a little in school can make a good life. I'm looking forward to the future.
- I really enjoyed your presentation.
- You are pretty cool. I like the continuum, it made me re-evaluate some of the choices that I will be making about my future.
- Thanks Mr. Link, it was great, the best one yet!
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